Sunday, February 17, 2008

Assignment 2: Representational Techniques Draft

What is this assignment all about?


Subject: Select an object or activity or location (telephone, running, Bus stop, car, cooking etc). Try not to select an existing subject (eg. Toilet or well known sports symbols)

Create a representative image of the object (you may choose either iconic or indexic representation)

Distill the image through process of abstraction. (at least 5 levels of abstraction from realistic to abstract)

Indicate at what point in the abstraction process the object looses its specific identity and communicates generic meaning. Select that image and develop it into a symbol.

Here is my first sketch of the scissors.

I think I had chose a very simple object and found it great difficulty in doing the final abstraction as the scissors did not have a lot of details in the first place.

Most comments given was the level 5 looks like 2 big pin heads and still look like the same object as before.

Very likely, I will choose a more complicated looking scissors and work on the abstraction.

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